
Eid ul Adha Traditions | Best Wishes | Wallpapers for Eid al Adha Mubarak

Eid al Adha is one of the biggest festivals that Muslims celebrate all across the world. This festival is celebrated on the tenth date of Dhu al-Hijjah by the Muslim community. It is the last month of the Islamic calendar. This Eid is also known as Eid-al-Adha, Eid-ul-Zuha, and Eid-Al-Kabeer, and Grand Eid. Muslims celebrate this Eid for three days. Like Eid Ul Fitr, this Eid even starts with a communal prayer known as Salat.

During all the three days, families who can afford to perform Qurbani, sacrifice animals like goat, camel, cow, sheep, and lamb. They distribute meat to the poor and their loved ones. Visiting family and friends and enjoying delicious foods are the standard practice during Eid al Adha. After providing a short description of Eid al Adha, we would love to give some history of this Eid. When and how this tradition began? So, let’s start without wasting any time!

History of Eid al Adha

Muslims celebrate this Eid to remember the sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). Muslims believe that Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) saw a dream one night. He saw Allah (SWT) told him to sacrifice his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (A.S) in the dream. At first, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) took it as a devil plan and ignored it. However, he saw the same vision the following night. At that time, he realized that it was not a devil dream; it was a message from Allah (SWT).

Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) loved his son very much. But he decided to sacrifice the most precious thing for Allah. However, Hazrat Ibrahim prepared himself to follow the instructions of Allah (SWT). For this purpose, he took his son Hazrat Ismail (A.S) to Mount Arafat. On the way, he told his son the entire dream in which Allah (SWT) was demanding to sacrifice his son. As an obedient son, Hazrat Ismail (A.S) became ready to sacrifice himself in the way of Allah (SWT) and fulfill the dream of his father.
Hazrat Ismail asked his father to tie up his legs and hands so that he may not struggle, and his father covered his eyes with a piece of cloth as he could not see his son suffering from severe pain.

Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) did as Allah had asked him to do. When he took off the cloth from his eyes, he saw a ram instead of Hazrat Ismail. Hazrat Ismail was unharmed and standing in front of his father. At first, Hazrat Ibrahim was anxious and thought that he disobeyed the order of Allah. But then he heard that Allah had accepted his sacrifices. It was a test taken by Allah, and Hazrat Ibrahim received and completed his inspection and got ready to sacrifice his loved son. Allah (SWT) liked his sacrifice, and from here, the trend of sacrificing animals started. The main motive of Eid al Adha is to remember the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail, and as a Muslim, we should also ready to sacrifice everything in the way of Allah.

What should we learn from the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail?

As we discussed earlier, Hazrat Ibrahim ready to sacrifice his beloved son without thinking about anything. From this event, the lesson is clear. Listen to your Allah, even what circumstances are happening. You should follow the way that Allah Almighty suggests because your goodness is in the happiness of Allah. If you sacrifice everything for Allah, then definitely, you would get reward one day! 

What is the motive to celebrate Eid al Adha?

The main reason to celebrate Eid al Adha is to remember the sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). For this purpose, people sacrifice animals in the way of Allah. Certainly, we can’t pay back for all these sacrifices for Islam, but we can try as much as we can to be in the list of Allah’s lovers.
The second motive of this Eid is to distribute the meat to poor and needy people to enjoy this day. This Eid conveys a message that we should add poor and needy people in our blessing. If we do this, then Allah would be happier from us.

After discussing the brief history and motive of Eid al Adha, it’s time for some wishing messages, how it can be possible to celebrate this Eid without sending wishes to loved ones!

Best Wishes For Eid al Adha

  • Happy Eid ul Adha Mubarak to you from the depth of my heart! May Allah Almighty accept your sacrifice and reward a life full of blessings and success.
  • May Allah reward you and accept your sacrifices! Happy Eid!
  • I wish you an Eid ul Adha Mubarak! May this day brings unlimited happiness and success to your life!
  • I wish you a blissful and joyous Eid! Remember me in your prayers. May Allah bless your timeline with unlimited blessings and happiness.
  • May this day strengthen your faith in Allah Almighty! Eid ul Adha Mubarak to you and your family!
  • Happy spiritual and cheerful Eid ul Adha to you! May Allah never leaves your side without blessings!
  • Let us sacrifice all the egos and celebrate this bakra eid with lots of love! Happy Eid!
  • Happy Eid Mubarak, May your plate of like always fill with tikkas and kebabs with a happiness sauce!
  • Happy Eid ul Adha Mubarak to you and your family! May Allah show you the right path, whatever you do!
  • On this holy day, I pray that Allah Almighty forgives all our sins and provides us the power to stay away from the devil’s thoughts (Amen). Happy Eid to you!


Eid al Adha is a day of blessings and celebrations. As a Muslim, if we can afford scarifying animals, then we should do it in the way of Allah Almighty. This tradition remembers the considerable sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). On this day, we should not forget poor people and add them to our blessed timeline. All three days are all about enjoyment. People enjoy delicious foods and visit their relatives and families and make fun double.
We hope that you get complete knowledge about Eid ul Adha. Comment your feedback in the comment box! It would be appreciated! Thanks!


Saifullah Aslam

Owner & Founder of Sayf Jee Website

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